Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Distraction Is Needed

The Cindy Sheehan story is picking up steam as more people realize that their loved ones could be lost in the "war on terror". Meanwhile, Dick (head) Cheney and the Israeli government is chomping at the bit to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear power. The brainwashed have been programmed to accept a nuclear strike against the "Islamofascists".
All that is needed is an excuse for the war that would be a convenient distraction from Ms. Sheehan. Now comes the news that FEMA is planning a terror drill>in Atlanta, GA on Wednesday August 17. This terror drill would deal with a nuclear strike by the "terrorists" much the same way the 7/7 London Bombings as well as 9/11 took place during government terrorist drills. Of course, I hope I'm wrong, just another paranoid conspiracy theorist, and I know where to get a crow if I am, but if I'm not I suggest all those religious intolerant flag waving reactionary brainwashed fools who support all the illegal wars that Bush and Co. have got us into call this number: 1-800-872-2769. In fact, all those armchair chickenshit cowards who support staying in Iraq should call that number or shut the fuck up. It's easy to support a war when you don't have to put your ass on the line, only a coward would let sopmeone else fight their battles for them. Bunch of pansies.


Anonymous said...

You should really learn how to write "HTML" on your blog, as showing a workable link is much more inviting then your style of "ghetto" speak. If you want to learn more on the topic of "HTML", I suggest you goggle HTML for Idiots, as the results would be tailor made for you.

Lew Scannon said...

Actually, I do know how to HTML, the damn computer would not accept them. But thanks for the suggestion, I will atke you up on it

Lew Scannon said...

Thanks myboypete! Now I can post links correctly! Only one thing, when I Googled HTML for idiots....