Much has been made of Sen. Obama's endorsement of his candidacy by Louis Farrakhan, but does a candidate really have control over who endorses them? Whether they want them or not, they're stuck with it, so can you really hold it against them? And if said candidate denounces statements made by supporters, are they exonerated? How about if the candidate embraces statements made by an endorser?
Such is the case with John McCain's endorsement by none of than John Hagee. Will MSNBC devote as much coverage to McCain's embrace of Hagee's support as it did to Obama's rejection of Farrakhan? After all, Hagee has denounced homosexuality, the Catholic Church, Islam, and feminism, why is he given a free pass?
Hagee likes MvcCain because he believes McCain will be good for Israel. Funny, I thought McCain was running for president of the US. I have nothing against the people of Israel (just the government which is strangling Gaza, but hey, in Hagee's mind you gotta kill them Mooslums before they kill you) but shouldn't the president of the US do what's right for the American people? We're the ones who are paying the taxes, as well as the ultimate price for Washington's Israeli-centric foreign policy.
Hagee is arrogant (or psychotic, or deluded ) enough to think that if we wipe out all the Mooslums, God will send Jesus back. That his mighty and all powerful God can be told what to do by some chunk with bad skin is lost on Hagee's followers, but you can take two unrelated passages in the Bible and interpet them any way you wish in Hagee's world, as long as it serves his anti-papist, misogynistic and homophobic agenda.
Just remember, these are all ideals that John McCain, by refusing to denounce, has embraced as ideals for America.