Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Grand Old Patriarchy And It's Hysterical Homophobia Strike Again

Hoo boy! You can always tell an election year, it's when the gays come out of the closet and into your living room as the cause of all the world's problems. Mitt(head) Romney and Mike Huckabee have both run adds attacking civil unions, and now, the pope has come out attacking civil unions as the cause of unrest in the world. Funny, when you have the Christians attacking the Muslims, and the Jews attacking the Muslims, and the Muslims attacking the Christians and the Jews, I would suspect the number one cause of unrest in the world would have to be religion.
So I wonder, just who out there is afraid of civil unions and why? I mean with oil prices rising and the dollar dropping, mortgage defaults at a record high causing the the collapse of the housing market, which when combined with the possibility of rising unemployment and factories slowing down signals that we are heading for a recession, shouldn't we be working on solving these problems, rather than scapegoating gays, whom I'm pretty sure had nothing to do with these problems? Perhaps we should thank God we live in a country where hysteria can be misdirected away from the real culprits towards a minority of people whose only wish is to be granted the same rights everybody else enjoys.


Frederick said...

Vestigial Roveian Wedge Issues.

Graeme said...

The old bait and switch.

happy new year!

pissed off patricia said...

Yeah, I haven't yet figured how a civil union is going to fuck up my marriage. My first marriage went to hell and at that time there was no talk of civil unions. I guess anything can be used when your own party has played hell with everything it's touched for the pasted seven years.

Anonymous said...

Hysteria is a good term, Lew. It denotes a loss of reason due to extreme emotionalism and irrationality. That pretty much describes half the country.

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Happy-fucking-New Year Lew! Its the silly season and fag bashing for votes is all the vogue again.


Lizzy said...

Come on, Lew. Dontcha know if it wasn't for the gays, we wouldn't have all of those other problems?

; )

Happy New Year, bud.

enigma4ever said...

so good to see you again...missed you...happy New Year...

hmmm, maybe we should legalize Uncivilized Unions...