Saturday, August 26, 2006

We've All Seen This Before And We Know How It Ends. Not Good

Let's play a game called "Who do you trust"? If you had to choose between a report on Iran, which one would you believe, the one authored by intelligence agents, with people in the region who understand the subtleties of the situation, or a bunch of congressmen, who are receiving deceiving reports from the White House? Intelligence agents, whose job it is to report on what's going on in Iran, or Republicans with a neo-fascist agenda?
Before you answer, remember who it was that told the truth about Iraq. The White House and it's congressional lapdogs told us a load of crap that they later have denied shoveling or (rarely) have admitted they were wrong about. Now these same people are doing the same for Iran. These are the same people who told us Iran was going to start a nuclear war, WWIII on August 22. Never happened. The same people who insist that Iran’s legal nuclear ambitions will be dealt with by the security council. That’s not going to happen, either.
What this means is that once again, the US will go it alone. Or build another “coalition of the willing”, because as neofascist guru Bill Kristol said on Fox the other day :
“I think we could be in a military confrontation with Iran much sooner than people expect. I don’t think this is an issue that’s going to wait two and a half years until President Bush leaves the presidency. I think he will decide at some point next year — in 2007 — he’ll have to make some very tough decisions about what the U.S. and the world can tolerate”

So now the decider is making decisions for the rest of the world? How much longer will the world be able to tolerate the bullying tactics of the Bush administration? Who will be blamed for faulty intelligence when this war becomes another quagmire? The ones who insisted we go to war to fulfill their neofascist agenda? Or the small minority of people who support them?


NEWSGUY said...

Two and a half more years. Somebody awaken me from this nightmare. So I can stretch and yawn and say 'good morning' wow look at that sunshine outside, it's going to be a great day.

I just had the most awful dream...Some governor from Texas had become President of the United States and these guys from Saudi Arabia crashed airplanes into buildings in New York City, and this Texas guy, George Bush, whipped the whole country up into a frenzy of fear so he could start some wars and blow lots up of things and kill a lot of people.

Boy, sure glad it was just a dream. What's for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Newsguy, I wish you were dreaming instead of living a nightmare.

Lew, I am sick and tired of reading lefties who surmise that Bush would never invade Iran because our military is "stretched too then." Even avid anti-Bush folks are sometimes in denial. Since when did logic apply to anything this madman has done?

John Good said...


He likely isn't worried about troop strength. This lunatic wants to use nukes in a bad way. . .and he'll sell it any way he can.

And "stretched too thin" matters not to him. The soldiers aren't of any value to him; they are merely cannon fodder. Just keep the supply of them running any way possible. . .

Anonymous said...

Excellent posting, Lew. Comments were also bang on, as far as one can tell.

Not too long ago, I made a mistake by using rationality in trying to figure out forth-coming moves by this Admin. I also went for this logical; there's no military option left for dealing with Iran. Hehe, how stupid was that since for this wrecking crew there is no other panacea for the problems that they are aware of than - a werecking ball, aka bomb the shit out of them bastards. Maybe it didn't succeed the last few times but this time we'll do it but good.

Graeme said...

What an enormous pair of balls these motherfuckers have. The war in Iraq is shit and they still are planning another war. I bet rummy has been walking around with a hard-on for the last few weeks. (sorry, i hope i didn't give anyone a mental image)

sumo said...

Graeme...ewwww! Can the American people call for a special (not sure what to call it) election or something to get this bunch out of office? It would be the will of the people for the most part...and we are a democracy the last time I checked (or was I asleep at the wheel?) so if the majority wanted a recall of at least 4 people (liars and thieves) we could do it? Do you think so? If so...let's get going!

Anonymous said...

Boy, sure glad it was just a dream. What's for breakfast?

Newsguy is right on. I'm ready to step out of the shower to find Victoria Principal in my bed. (Don't tell the Frogette I said that.)

Anonymous said...

Bobby Ewing frog?

Actually, in Rumsfeld's report last year on the state of the military he said it was more than capable of a war in a few regions. I dont think troop capacity is an issue for them. They think they have it all covered. I know lew and Kvatch and a few others discussed it when we posted on that at Lose The Noose- on Multiple Wargasms. Cant forget that title, about the report.

pissed off patricia said...

I think the American people might, just might, question this rerun. I sure as hell hope so.

DivaJood said...

Oh, newsguy, I'm fairly convinced he's going to find a way to do away with elections before his term is up - and I agree, this group really does want to drop the big one. I wish it was a dream.

Bush has every intention of invading Iran, one way or another. I've posted about the "five year plan" before. But at some point, at some point the rest of the world needs to step up and accuse Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of crimes against humanity and round 'em up. Unless CONGRESS develops a set and Impeaches.

Kathy said...

Thanks for the Left of Center link on fascism. I liked the way each point was backed up with supporting documentation. While reading that link it occurred to me that the Bush administration copied their tactics. Can't they come up with anything original?