Saturday, December 31, 2005
No Peace For The New Year
For some reason, people have been brainwashed into thinking that America should be an empire, stretching it's corrupt influence through out the globe, an idea sure to make the US a target of terrorism for years to come. Beer swilling brain damaged chemically imbalanced meatheads waving flags think that because we have the military strength to take what we need, we should go right ahead and do it. This kind of thuggery is called stealing, and no one who can call themselves a Christian can condone it(for sure, even Bush's church condemns him for it). Fortunately for Bush, the war supporters are convenient Christians, people who call themselves Christians, but in fact, lack any of the spiritual connection thatone makes when was in step with the Lord. Stealing. Killing. Lying. Happy New Year, you hypocritical fucks. My only wish is that there truly was a Hell so you could all go there when you die.
The Only Country Crazy Enough To Use Nuclear Weapons?
Iran, which will develop nuclear weapons under the guise of it's nuclear power program, has no empirical designs. They only wish to protect itself against Israel, which has nuclear weapons to protect itself from other Middle Eastern countries that may wish to attack them. But in the history of nuclear weapons, there has only been one country insane enough to use them. That's right, I'm talking about the good ol' US of A, which unleashed the atomic monster against the citizens of Japan as way to send a message to the Soviet Union that we had them weapons. And starting in 1991, the US has been using depleted uranium rounds, considered to be nuclear weapons, in combat situations.
The US, under the neocon agenda, does in fact have empirical designs, especially in the Middle East. Under the guise of a "war on terror" or the Global Struggle Advocating Violent Extremism as I prefer to call it, it intends on setting up shop all over the Middle East. Next on the list:Iran, of which the propaganda campaign will probably commence in the new year, as ABC news has sent a correspondent to Iran, an inside man to cover the invasion from the Iranian perspective. I'm sure that other news organiztions, such as Faux News, will, too, send their own correspondents there as well.
In fact, in the summer of this year, Dick Cheney, madman that he is, sought to create a military policy to attack Iran with nuclear weapons following a terrorist attack on US soil, even if Iran was in no way involved. And in March of 2006, Iran will commit an act of economic terrorism, setting up a bourse which will trade Iranian oil solely in euros, striking a blow against the US domination of oil markets such as it has enjoyed since the end of WWII.
So while the anti-war movement in this counry is focused on the war in Iraq, and the innumerable atrocities committed there by the US, the only people crazy enough to advocate a nuclear war will strike at another country again.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The Word On Everybody's Lips These Days......
One can only suspect that the Republicans in Congress and the talking heads at Faux News are choking on their words as they called for the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job he received as part of a frivolous nuisance lawsuit brought on by the same people who were seeking to end frivolous lawsuits. The problem with the Republican party is they are steeped in layer upon layer of hypocrisy, like a stale birthday cake or a rotten onion.They all act as if they are above the law and every crime they commit they do so in the name of "national security". Dick Cheney's secret energy meetings? Can't tell you about those, it's "national security". Disclose the destinations that Dick Cheney flew to on the public's dime? can't do that, It's "national security". Never before has an administration invoked secrecy for all it's actions, leaving me to wonder what they are trying to hide.
Well, in the secret energy meetings Cheney had in the summer of 2001 documents released by a suit filed by Judicial Watch, they included maps of Iraqi oil fields. Why they had maps of oil fields of a country that posed no threat is a question we'll never get an answer to, or why hiding this from the public was a matter of "national security".
What we have now is a presidency that places itself above the law as it violates the constitution (viewed by the President as a "goddamned piece of paper"), while his party, whose members (Delay, Frist, Ney, etc.)are embroiled in ethical controversies that they would have run Democrats out of DC for committing. That's the very hypocrisy that defines the Republican party as the greater of two evils.It's no wonder that impeachment isn't on their minds, they're too busy trying to ave their own hides until they can hook up with a cushy corporate position to keep them in the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to at taxpayers expense.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Depleted Uranium And You: What Your Recruiter Won't Tell You

Depleted Uranium and You:What Your Recruiter Won't Tell You
An update on a previous post at unbrainwashed
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Forgive Bill O'Reilly, He Knows Not What He Does
I mean if France had gotten it's way, UN weapons inspectors would have found no WMD, just like the US hasn't found any in the nearly three years we have been illegally occupying that country. Because they didn't fucking exist! So if they were never there to begin with, why is Bill O'Reilly still so cheesed off at France? I mean, they are a bit snooty towards Americans, but I can understand that, we're all a bunch of uncultured NASCAR watching morons. And, more importantly, why hasn't he been able to forgive them, being the Christian he claims to be?
I often wonder if Bill O'Reilly does attend church services on a regular basis. Part of being a Christian is to come together in Jesus' name and celebrate God's love, right? Part of the sharing of God's love is forgiving those who have committed transgressions against you. Mr. O'Reilly, who spent the better part of the Christmas season ready to pillory anyone who had the audacity to say"Happy Holidays", in case the other person should be, I don't know, Jewish, shows that he is severely lacking in Christ's love and the ability to forgive, even when a country like France has done nothing wrong. Yet his campaign to boycott France shows that he is lacking the compassion that marks some one whose soul is saved because they have accepted Jesus H. Christ as their personal saviour.
In my opinion, Mr O'Reily is just another in long line of Conservative Christian hypocrites, asswipes who invoke Jesus' name when convenient but never exercise any of the values put forth by Christianity, such as for forgiveness. Not that France needs to be forgiven, the only people who have transgressed in this situation is the Bush administration and all the brainwashed braindead flag waving beer swiling chemically imbalancedNascar watching window licking retards who still call french fries by any other name.And I don't blame Mr. O'Reilly if he chooses not to attend a church service, who wants to get up early Sunday morning to hear about how they're going to Hell?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Iran, Iran So Far Away
Let's say it stops on,oh, how about Iran. Next, the corporate media starts a propaganda campaign designed to garner the public support for a strike against that country. First, we'll hear stories about new-cular weapons that Iran doesn't have. Then, we'll hear stories about ties to alQa'da that don't exist. And don't forget, we'll hear those magic words "9/11, 9/11"that Bush uses to justify everything from illegal torure of prisoners of war, to illegal spying on American citizens, to an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
In the meantime, anybody who opposes the third war Bush will lead this country into is viewed as a traitor, aiding the enemy, and as unpatriotic as the ashes of a burnt flag. Intelligence will once again be fixed, just as it was to justify the invasion of Iraq. None of it will be investigated, just regurgitated by the media and accepted by the "opposition", only as means of covering their asses when it turns out to be false.
CIA director Porter Goss just returned from Turkey , after visiting other nations of the Middle east informing them of our intent to bomb Tehran with air strikes in 2006. Of course, none of this was reported in the US media, who chose to gloss over Mr. Goss' trip. This is very similar to our informing Pakistan and other nations of the region of our intent to invade Afghanistan, in March of 2001, six months before the 9/11 attacks which were used as justification for the invasion. The taliban, then in charge of Afghanistan, wanted too much money to build a pipeline through their country from the Caspian Sea to a port in Pakistan, and so after rejecting the carpet of gold offered by the US, they received a carpet of bombs.
So what has Iran done that is so awful? In reality, they are seeking to build a nuclear reactor, to generate nuclear energy. Also, in March of 2006, they plan to open a bourse for oil trading that will only except euros, effectively performing a death blow to the petrodollar, the bad checks the US has been passing around for years that have allowed the standard of living in this country to remain at a relative high while not actually producing anything that we can sell in world markets. And, to top it all off, their recently elected president is a Holocaust Denier, which is soon to be a crime worldwide.
This will make then three wars that Bush has started, with no intention of finishing (we are still fighting in Afghanistan) because the whole purpose is to keep the American boot up the ass of the Mideast region until every drop of oil is sucked out of the ground and every dollar is sucked out of the pockets of the American people. After that, there is no plan because there is no concern once the profit motive is gone. We'll just pull out and leave those people to their own devices, which would in fact end the terrorism as all the terrorists want is for us to get the fuck out anyway.
So while the anti-war factions and the peace movement break apart because they can't decide who is the more activist of the two, Bush and his henchmen are planning another war, that no matter how many people around the world take to the streets to protest, they're going to start anyway, because, well, Bush is a war president, and everything he does, he does with war on his mind.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Osama Bin Dead Four Years Now
Not that we're fighting terrorists in Iraq, we are fighting an insurgency, although Donald Rumsfeld would prefer you not call it that. And you can bet that when we go in to Iran and Syria, that, too will be called a war on terror. By the President and the corporate media.
Bush doesn't seem too interested in finding Osama either, stating on March 11, 2002, six months after 9/11, "I don't know where Osama is, I don't know and I don't care. He's not that important."
Osama never took credit for 9/11, instead blaming it on Israel and a secret government inside the US government. By that he meant the PNAC, whose stated goal is creating a Greater Israel. This group was inside the Pentagon and were the only persons with the ability to give the Air Force the stand down order that allowed the hijacked airliners to penetrate US airpace and slam into the WTC and Pentagon. This thread leads through the AIPAC spy scandal and Larry Franklin at the Pentagon OSP, who not only passed on sensitive secrets to Israel, but also passed along "fixed" intelligence the WHIG used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Which also leads to jack Abramhoff,now under investigation, who hosted (according to witnesses) Mohammed Atta on one of his casino boats prior to 9/11.
Now I know that some of you might be saying, "I saw the video of Osama watching a tape of the 9/11 attacks and laughing." This tape turned up nearly seven months following Osama's death, with an Osama look alike. Here is a still picture from that video.

On closer examination, you see that it is not Osama at all, the cheeks are too full. And Osama, usually pictured in and around caves, is now staying somewhere with walls similar to the ones in my apartment. Who would gain from such deception?
Recently, the Senate voted to extend the Patriot Act for six months, against the wishes of the Bush administration, who look to make the powers granted by this act permanent. Bush, who has called the constitution a "god damned piece of paper", has stated that" this would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a long as I'm the dictator" and has authorized warrantless spying on Americans, all in the name of the war on terror. Oops, I mean the Global Struggle Advocating Violent, better make that Against Violent Extremism. And as long as he and corporate fascist media buddies brainwash Americans to think that Osama and his ilk are still lurking about ready to kill our women and children, the less likely they are to reveal to them that Osama is in fact dead.
Or you could believe that the Islamic world is full of religious zealots who are looking to convert us all to Islam or kill us. And if you believe that, you probably think that someday they'll find Saddam's weapons of mass destruction as well.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Here's A Show Of Good "Faith"
Where is the compassion? The flight attendants have a whole plane of people to take care of, why does Ms. Osteen feel that she is more important than the rest of them? What about forgiveness? It seems that the arm candy trophy wife of the pastor of the largest congregation in the US should have some.
How about putting others first? I was always led to believe this was a true tenet of Christianity:Jesus, Others, You.A whole plane of people had to wait an hour while the Osteens deplaned and their baggage was retreived from the cargo hold.
I wonder why the Air Marshalls didn't pump her full of lead like a bi-polar man with a knapsack or at least arrest her. I wonder why the Osteens were leaving on a trip right before the biggest Christian holiday of the year.
Well, as I have heard and read, a lot of churches will be closed this Sunday. The most Holy day of the year, and God will be put aside so people can spend more time with their things, sacrificing Jesus on the altar of Mammon. That God isn't striking these people down for complete blasphemy or heresy is all the evidence I need that God simply doesn't exist.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The President Who Cried War
Of course blames the whole Iraq fiasco on 'faulty intelligence". What he doesn't mention is that the faulty intelligence is in the head of the guy in the Oval Office. He's a fucking idiot. While he maybe smarter than a lot of Americans, most of them are too stupid to fall for the same thing twice. What was that saying they have in Tennessee? I know they have it in Texas.
We are supposed to be fighting a war on terrorism, I mean a struggle against violent extremism, but the only violent extremists are the guys in the DoD who used chemical weapons on Iraqi civilians and also like to torture people. And, having avoided military service when they were of fighting age, like to start a new war every couple of years, even while we're still fighting old wars. (Afghanistan anyone?) You see, there's only five countries in the world where the Rothschilds don't have a bank and one of them happens to be Iran.
Right now, Iran is building niclear power plants. Also, in March of 2006, they intend on setting up an oil bourse that trades only in euros. So the Bush administration, being egged on constantly by Israel, (who wants to be the only one in the MidEast with nuclear weapons), and with the blessing of fascistic corporate America(who will use the media which they own and/or control), plans on military action against Iran.The only thing is that smart Americans still remember that Bush lied about Iraq. So no matter how much intelligence they can "fix" around the policy of war in Tehran, people are going to ask "Is this more 'faulty intelligence', your most exhalted idiocy?" I mean the mouth breathing flag waving brain damaged beer swilling monkeys who are still sporting their magnetic ribbons will swallow it, but when the corporate media lies are exposed, how will they sell the invasion of Syria?
I know they have the saying down in Texas, Mr. (so-called) President. It's a shame you can't remember it. because if you don't, you're condemned to repeat it.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
"No Body To Kick Nor Soul To Shame"
Nor do I understand the purpose of adware. Does anyone think that by freezing my computer I'm going to want to buy your product? Freezing my computer is going to make me "accidentally" knock down your display at the store or draw nasty messsages in your ads in magazines at the laundromat.
Corporations want your money so they can own a little more of the world. Having zoomed in on all available land, now the fight is on to own genomes so that everything you use has a patent on it, even the rice you use or the vegetables you eat. Of course, if you grow your own vegetables, don't save the seeds as they have been biologically altered so as not to grow if planted, so you have to buy more seeds from the corporation. What a wonderful world they're creating.
And it's their world too. They get the taxbreaks for planting a bit of green along the highway, plus they get to imprint it with their logo. Logos are everywhere in this country, and if you're not covered in logo, what kind of walking billboard are you? I mean, there isn't a ball field or sports stadium in the country that isn't owned by some conglomerate, complete with skyboxes for the high priests of expense accounts to drink expensive champagne, smoke expensive cigars and rendezvous with their expensive mistresses.
Every corporation puts up a facade of benevolence while they plunder the earth to garner more riches for their stockholders, the only people they are answerable to. They willfully break the law because it's cheaper to do that and pay the fine than it is to be in compliance. Most corporations are repeat offenders as well, which leads to my proposal.
Every corporation is granted a charter by a state to do it's business. At any time the state can revoke that charter, which is why corporations own so many politicians and judges. Many states have what are called repeat offender laws, three strikes and you're out. Perhaps it's time for something similar for our corporations. Break the law three times, and the state will be forced to revoke your charter. All your assets will be liquidated and you will no longer be able to do business. Corporations have too much power and too many rights and should be brought down to same level as the rest of Americans. I wonder if it's too late to get it on the ballot for 2006?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Mammon Christmas Everybody!
Christmas has become of celebration of Mammon, the evil God of material things. Sure, it's about getting together with family, but wouldn't the Holidays be a little better if you had a new furniture set to impress visiting relatives? If your husband really loved you, he'd refinance the house to buy you some of our fine jewelry. Visit relatives in your new car! Whip up a lovely Christmas dinner on some new kitchen appliances. If you shop at our store, you'll save enough money to buy more presents!
Meijer, the local Wal-Mart wannbe even has signs throughout the store with two children bearing the caption "The More The Merrier". These are the values we a re teaching our children greed. I even know of some brain damaged sickos who tell their children that if you leave Santa Coke and cookies instead of milk and cookies, you'll get more presents! As if instilling greed in them isn't bad enough, they have to replace milk (which has some nutritional value) with toxic sludge manufactured by a soulless multinational corporation. Way to imprint!
I, too, used to like things, pointless things, but after having to move twice in the last two years, I feel much better getting intangibles from my loved ones as opposed to showering them with gifts because I'll feel guilty if I don't. If you haven't done any thing wrong you can't feel guilty. And I also know that you can't worship materialism and call yourself any kind of a Christian (not that I call myself one) as a servant cannot have two masters (thank you CS Lewis), and if you're serving Mammon, you are not serving Jesus.
All day at work I am forced to listen to the Christmas music station on the radio, and the commercials are all obscene. But even more obscene is something called (I think) "A Soldier's Night Before Christmas". What really annoys me is when "Santa" refers to the soldier as a hero. Let me see, aiding and abetting the Bush administration while they steal Iraqi oil, torturing prisoners of war, using chemical weapons against innocent civilians, raping Iraqi women and children, stop me when I get to something heroic. Hearing that song makes me wish I had a "I Support The Insurgency!" magnetic ribbon on my vehicle. It's nice that there is some soulless music producer to put together this kind of sap to exploit the war and make a few bucks. It's what Christmas is about.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Print Journalism On It's Deathbed
Investigative reporting has fallen by the wayside. Not one reporter bothered to investigate the claims made against Iraq by the Bush administration. And even if they had, no editor would publish it. Even though they turned out to be lies, the newspapers reported them as truth.
And if the papers reported the truth, I'm sure the readership would go up as well. I know I'm not going to buy the local news as I know firsthand how ill-informed they are and how much they work as propagandists for the government.
Recently it has been revealed that the government has been writing articles they paid newspapers to print. Nothing wrong with pro-American propaganda says the media. Which shows you what idiots are working in the field of journalism today. Somewhere, someone on the board has figured out that it's more cost effective to have the government pay them to run propaganda pieces than it is to pay a reporter to investigate a story.
This comes to no surprise to those of us who read the blogs. That's why we read them, why we write them, to get the truth out, not to make money. (I know I make nothing from this, am I doing something wrong?) And that's why I get my news here.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
And of course the Democrats will also go along, for some reason, even though the majority of Americans think we shouldn't be in Iraq (have I just contradicted myself? Probably), they refuse to stand up to the Republicans and call them out for being the evil lying fucks that they are and stand aside like a castrated man at an orgy. Either they don't want to be called out for being cowards (which they appear to me to be for doing nothing about the criminality of the last five years) or their corporate and Israeli (who have threatened to attack Iran by, hey! March 2006) owners are behind a war that neither of them will lose family members in.
Before the propaganda parade begins a couple things to remember. One, Iran has offered to let US companies bid on construction of it's nuclear plants, which ought to get Dick (head) Cheney's mouth drooling. Plus, with a US company involved, it would very simple for the US to monitor exactly what is going on at these facilities. Two, media presstitutes have no problem peddling government propaganda. Brian Williams said it's no big deal, as well as the morning deejays on the Clear Channel station I hear every morning. Of course propaganda is a polite way of saying lying, these soulles bastards will do anything to get a war on. Maybe they can call it something stupid like "Operation:Iranian Freedom" and all the tube watching chemically imbalanced brain damaged flag waving beer swilling retards will start putting more magnetic ribbons on their Sport Utility Behemoths. As long as you believe were not really there to steal more oil, you can't really feel bad about American troops being used by the Bush administration to kill and die to commit a crime.
For you see, it was not WMD, or 9/11 or the war on terror (oops! I mean the Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism) that led us to Iraq, it was the simple fact that Saddam had begun to accept only euros in his oil for food program. Sanctions were due to be lifted and that meant that Saddam would be selling all his oil in euros and not dollars. And now that we have Iran doing the same thing, you can bet there'll be some way to link Iran to "terrorists" and all this bullshit will start again.
Are you going to be stupid enough to fall for it again?
Saturday, December 10, 2005
About That "God Damned Piece Of Paper", Mr. President
First, I'd like to look at the economy and gas prices. Every year at this time, the economy goes up because more retailers are hiring seasonal help, putting more people to work and more money into the economy. People can buy beer and get a buzz and suddenly Bush don't seem like such a bad guy.Then it drops of because it's not a sustainable economy, and more people are out of work. Two gas prices, which were two weeks ago hovering just above the two dollar a gallon price, are now creeping up to the levels they were at post-Katrina. Also, the winter is upon us, and those of you who use gas to heat your home are going to get a bigger shock at the end of this month than you got from last month's bill, as usage drives demand which drives up prices.
Of course, once the new year comes, and we're still losing troops in Iraq, the holiday buzz has worn off and people are socked with high heating bills to go with their increased credit card debt, Bush's ratings will fall once again as the cold winter wakens us up to the harsh realities of a failed presidency.
That his approval ratings move up and down show not an incompetence in the presidency, rather they show an incompetence in the American people. We have traded our ideals for idols, totems such as eagles and stars and stripes. To these people and their president, the Constitution is "a Goddamned piece of paper" because they have been dumbed down and brainwashed into not understanding why we have such an esteemed piece of paper (parchment, really, but these brain damaged monkeys don't know what a parchment is) in the first place.
All over the corporate media, in the subtlest of ways, the propaganda is put in place. Morning radio deejays refer to the ACLU as being on the wrong side, that we ought to just screw the Constitution and deal with criminals in the harshest of ways, even lauding Wal-Mart for restraining a shoplifter to death.
And what do we get in return for giving up a guarantee on all our rights? A flag, which is just a God Damned piece of cloth? A magnetic yellow ribbon to place on our Sport Utility Behemoth that says "We support our troops" as we turn a blind eye to the torture they commit? Or as the drop chemical weapons of mass destruction on civilians? A sense of superiority because "might makes right", not any goddamned piece of paper?
And what about that Bible you cling to as justification for every wrong you commit? Isn't that all just a collection of God damned pieces of paper? The Ten Commandments just a bunch of God damned pieces of rock? Unfortunately, they are, as most Christians have traded the values put forth by Christ for symbols as well, feeling they are saved with a fish on their car and a cross around their neck as violate every tenet put forth by the teachings of Christ.
Thou shall not kill? Thou shall not steal? Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Thou shall not covet? Sins committed by our "Christian" president that can only be forgiven if he admits he did them and performs an true act of contrition. And if he had evere read the Bible (as he has claimed), he would have done it by now. Perhaps this idiot President is waiting for it to come out on video.
Friday, December 09, 2005
We Don't Need Another Dick In The State Capitol
He and his wife were successful in getting their school voucher scheme on the ballot in 2000, which was handed a defeat, along with defeats for all Republican candidates for national elections, Senator Spence (I'm in the Bush administration, head of a cabinet I suggested abolishing as a Senator)Abraham, as well as George W and the Governorship sought by (Another) Dick Posthumus. The voucher scheme was an attempt to use tax dollars to subsidize religious education, as well s giving those able to afford a private school education essentially a tax cut for sending their children there instead of the public school systems.
The DeVos' are about as disconnected as the Bush family, with Betsy stating at one time that workers in Michigan were 'paid too much money", a statement that didn't sit too well with all the working people in Michigan. Both Dick and his wife grew up the offspring of two wealthy families who combined their family fortunes.
The good news is that DeVos is trailing in the polls (even among republican candidates). The bad news is that he has a lot of money to spend until November.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Meet The New Boss (Same As The Old Boss)

"Fool me once, shame on-you. Fool me twice, you can't be fooled again."-George W. Bush
In yesterday's Grand Rapids Press, there was a front page article about the local marine who was recently killed in Iraq. His uncle said he was going to fight there for "payback". I didn't buy the paper, but i imagined that the "payback" was for 9/11, which, for the millionth time, Saddam had nothing to do with. He also had no ties to alQaeda. So this poor young casualty was suckered into fighting and dying for a lie perpetrated by the White House and the corporate media.
The Bush administration has told a total of twenty seven lies to sell this war to the American people. Another lie was when they called the war "Operation:Iraqi Freedom". You'd have to be a chemically imbalanced brain damaged beer swilling tube watching monkey to think we're bringing anything resembling freedom to Iraq. In fact, the women of Iraq wil suffer a major setback as any of the major parties jockeying to create their own theocracy in Iraq will restrict the rights the women enjoyed under Saddam.
One of the stories we heard was how Saddam tortured his own people. Now this is a horrible thing and I don't doubt it's truth, but this begs the question: Why is it alright for the US to torture Iraqis? What kind of information about non-existent WMD could they have? So if we are torturing the Iraqis, how are we better than Saddam? Is this truly freedom?
Another favorite story was Saddam gassed his own people. True, there was a border skirmish during the Iran-Iraq war where a Kurdish village was caught between both sides, where both hurled chemical weapons at each other with the Kurds caught between, but who supplied them with these weapons? This is one of the reasons that saddam will never be brought to trial, in open court he would have to tell how Donald Rumsfeld and the US government helped him to acquire them. And if chemical weapons of mass destruction are so bad, why are we using napalm and white phosphorous on the Iraqi people? Isn't that as bad, if not worse, than the mustard gas Saddam used? Is this truly freedom?
Look at the picture of the young boy at the top of the page. How old do you think he is? Five, six maybe seven years old? Does he look free to you? I mean, besides the fact that he has been freed of this mortal coil courtesy of the US troops, the ones we are expected to support, even after they commit atrocities like this so Republican soccer moms can drive around in Sport Utility behemoths and not worry about losing their children in a car accident. Of course, most of us would rather not think about that as we drive from mall to mall buying cheap trinkets made by Chinese dissidents to mindlessly give each other in the Holy Name of the Prince of Peace, do we?
Having already established that Saddam was a bad guy, mean, rotten nasty to the core, how the fuck have we made the Iraqi peoples lives any better?
We haven't, and only a flag waving beer swilling chemically imbalanced brain damaged tube watching doofus would think we have.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
At work, we have a communal radio, usually tuned to the classic rock station as I enjoy the morning show Kevin Matthews. The hag who works across from me (there are other terms I could use, such as bitch, which has become a badge of honor to some, to other words better suited the Ron Nasty Memeorial Page that are not suited for this forum)complained that she wanted to listen to Christmas music, which, when I'm at work, is as depressing as it can get.
But what's even more depressing is some of the Christmas music. I like the old carols, as long as no one tries to "modernize" them (today, I heard a medley of traditional carols set to disco beat, perfect for shoppercizing to). Some of the old versions of holiday classics by Mel Torme, Bing Crosby, Perry Como and the like I can stand, but when i hear five different versions of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas", I wonder, do we really need them? I mean, does the world really need a Kenny G Christmas CD?
I have quite a collection of Christmas music myself, when I was married, my wife downloaded LimeWire on her computer (go after her RIAA, not me)and I would spend the evenings downloading all kinds of Christmas music in a quest to make the perfect Christmas tape to listen to on the inevitable trip to my in-laws on Christmas. But what i have is more varied featuring songs like "Christams In Prison" by John Prine or (get ready for it) "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)" by the Ramones that would never get played on any Christmas music radio station.
But one of my favorite downloads is a Christmas song that gets a lot of airplay with a lot of people missing the point of the whole song. That song is "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It's as much an antiwar song as much as it is a Christmas song, if not more. The song came on the radio today and the Fox watching Bush hugging Christmas music loving hag was singing along with the words she knew, oblivious to the message of the song, which is as relevant now as when it was written during the Vietnam war."War is over, if you want it". That the local station is part of Clear Channel (which tried to ban Lennon's "Imagine" following 9/11) which is owned by a Bush supporter makes it somewhat ironic that they would play such a song.