Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Another Senior Moment For Senator McCain

Imagine John McCain as president, sticking his head out the oval office window to yell at all those secret service "kids" to "get the fuck off my lawn!"
At today's Senate Armed Services committee meeting, Old Man McCain had another senior moment where he confused the Sunni with the Shi'a again. And remember, foreign policy is his strong suit.


Frank Partisan said...

I think age is a factor, like it or not.

DBK said...

He's okay as long as he gets his Ovaltine in the morning and lots of fiber-in-a-cup.

Tom Harper said...

Once the actual campaign starts (i.e. when either Hillary or Obama is selected), McCain's gaffes, quick temper and frail movements will all need to be publicized mercilessly. If that's dirty, tough; we can't afford to have that $#!%&# in the White House.

PTCruiser said...

I'm thinking about how much the presidency ages a person.

Graeme said...

magine John McCain as president, sticking his head out the oval office window to yell at all those secret service "kids" to "get the fuck off my lawn!"

Ha! that made me laugh

Snave said...

I agree with RE. Not to be politically incorrect and be an "ageist" or anything, but I do think McCain is going to have a problem with the age thing.

There are people who won't vote for Obama because he is black, and who won't vote for Clinton because she is a woman... and there are people who won't vote for McCain because he looks and acts ancient.

Like PT said, the presidency totally ages a person, and the picture you posted might just be what McCain would look and act like by the end of a second term, maybe even a first.