Monday, January 22, 2007

Earn Your Pay, Or Shut The Fuck Up!

In the old Jetsons cartoons, the future was going to be a such a great place, but even with all the modern conveniences, humans weren't happy. How many times did George drag his tired bones home to complain to his long-suffering wife (as most television wives are) "These two day work weeks are murder!"
Thre future is here at least for Republican congresspersons, who under their leadership, got used to only working three days, and now are complaining that the Democrats are making them work a full five. hard work to put in three days a week, plus recesses and all for a measly $165,000 a year! These are the same people who talk about how we need to end entitlement programs, when it would appear that their own job is an entitlement!
What a slap in the face to the two income families where mom and pop both have to work and still are struggling to make payments and pay taxes so these complainers can sit on their fat asses and pass no legislation. Which I can understand, why pass legislation when the unitary executive will just issue a signing statement negating the bill they passed anyway?
As Minority whip Roy Blunt bluntly put it:
"It is like assuming that a surgeon only does the surgeon's work when they are in the operating room."

Well maybe not in the operating room , but I'm sure he does some of it in the fucking hospital! for crying out loud! He doesn't do it sitting at home while his long suffering wife fixes him another martini to watch FOX News with, that's for sure. Perhaps if the Republican leadership would have been more diligent about doing their job, they wouldn't have voted to give Bush the authorization to invade Iraq, because they would have known that all the intelligence they put forth was cooked up by the OSP and the WHIG.


Anonymous said...

Exactly, Smaller Gov=Monarchy. Why work when the decider can do all the decidering...

sumo said...

Yeah...let the guy in charge be in charge...

Peacechick Mary said...

Those poor Rethug babies, all they know is wah, wah, wah! Good to see you're up and running here.

Anonymous said...

either they won't show up so their vote can't be counted
they'll be so tired that they fall asleep

Anonymous said...

The Repubs only have themselves to blame. If they had accomplished something, anything, most Americans would have been happy to let them maintain the status quo.

They had the worst record ever I believe (or maybe in something like 80 years). Did they really expect the taxpayers to be happy about that?