Sunday, September 24, 2006

How Much Does One Of These NIE Cost Me Personally?

"Either we're going to be fighting this battle, this war, overseas or its going to be right here in this country," said Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader.

Riiight. You'd have to be an idiot to believe that statement, especially following the release of the National Intelligence Estimate saying the war in Iraq has increased, not diminished, the terrorist threat to the US. Who are you going to believe, intelligence professionals or some guy who wants to hang onto his position as Senate Majority Leader? Personally, I'm going with the intelligence experts, not some guy playing to the television-watchers.
Remember why we went in Iraq? After all the lies had been stripped away, all they had left was Saddam was a bad guy who tortured his people. Well, now it seems that torture in Iraq is worse than under Saddam. Of course, not all of it is coming from the US occupation forces, but the fact that any of it is should leave decent Americans cold.
Today alone 14 people were killed in Iraq as the sectarian violence there continues to spread. And that violence would spread with or without American occupation, as there seems to be little US forces can do to stop the country's sectarian violence from becoming a "civil" war, if it hasn't already. So tell me again how we're saving the country?
``Now I've never criticized President Bush, and I don't think this is useful. But you do know we do have a government that thinks Afghanistan is only one- seventh as important as Iraq.''
-Bill Clinton

That's right, Bill. We have only 21,000 troops in Afghanistan, fighting the remnants of the Taleban and al Qaeda there. You know, the people we claimed were responsible for the horrendous attacks of 9/11 that started the so-called war on terror. Most of our troops were pulled from there to be used in Iraq, and what was I just saying about Iraq?
My theory is of course that Bush needs the threat of terrorism to exist and increase because he can use this to gut the Constitution. There's very little of the Bill of Rights that haven't been compromised in the name of "national security" by this administration, and they have two more years to go. They can be hindered if the people wise up and deliver a Democratic majority in November. With all the recent bad news for the ADDministration, there going to have to work really hard on that "October surprise" Rove has promised to deliver, I just hope it's not another war.
Because you see, anothe NIE that was issued last year said Iran is years from having a nuclear weapons program. And that's another report the Bush regime is sure to ignore.


pissed off patricia said...

I don't know if the govt had anything to do with 9-11, but I do know that without that awful day they would have no power today. The chain that's around America's neck is fear and it's what this admin uses to lead us into hell.

By invading Iraq, we gave the "terraist" the best gift in the world. That war is wearing us out and the terrorist are growing. Nice plan but not good for our country in any way.

Frist sucks at the highest level.

Kathy said...

What the heck is the matter with people in this country? How much more evidence of incompentence and lying do they need before they say enough is enough?

I've come to the conclusion that people here are either racist and want those in the Middle East bombed back to the stone age no matter what - or they simply love war, violence and death.

azgoddess said...

american spends more on war than any other country by ten-fold...

we as american's need to stop working in war factories..and this craziness will stop

Graeme said...

kathy, I think a lot of people sadly do love war and death

sumo said...

It used to be death and it is death and war...but switched.

Anonymous said...

Lew lots of good points. Katie Couric gave Condi Rice an advertisement interview this weekend where they showed how absolutely fabulous Condi is and how she is soooo in touch with terrorism because of the little girls killed in a church bomb in Selma. Condi went on and on about how the worst kind of terrorism is that which intentionally targets little girls. This morning, a report on the Taliban says that in Kabul the Taliban is intentionally targeting schools that treat girls as equals. Condi needs to get her ass over there fast.

I agree that Bush was perpetual war and chaos and for the reasons you mentioned plus his ability to manipulate oil prices.

Bill Frist is a poor excuse for a human being. Has he examined the war via videotape? Is that how he came up with this diagnosis?

Anonymous said...

Lew lots of good points. Katie Couric gave Condi Rice an advertisement interview this weekend where they showed how absolutely fabulous Condi is and how she is soooo in touch with terrorism because of the little girls killed in a church bomb in Selma. Condi went on and on about how the worst kind of terrorism is that which intentionally targets little girls. This morning, a report on the Taliban says that in Kabul the Taliban is intentionally targeting schools that treat girls as equals. Condi needs to get her ass over there fast.

I agree that Bush was perpetual war and chaos and for the reasons you mentioned plus his ability to manipulate oil prices.

Bill Frist is a poor excuse for a human being. Has he examined the war via videotape? Is that how he came up with this diagnosis?

Anonymous said...

I thought Condi claims to have not felt the impact of racism? And that it never hindered her? Well I guess all the people that might be slightly disturbed or fearful are perhaps just not Condi's brand of strong bitch!

Well said, Lew. And its all going according to what the terrorists expected, up to and including Iraq, the civil unrest, and the tension with Iran. The potential recruits keep getting more and more reasons to join their movement and I fail to see how that makes us safer.
On an unrelated note, Rex Kramer had a boy! Stop by and wish him well if you haven't yet!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Condi claims to have not felt the impact of racism? And that it never hindered her? Well I guess all the people that might be slightly disturbed or fearful are perhaps just not Condi's brand of strong bitch!

Well said, Lew. And its all going according to what the terrorists expected, up to and including Iraq, the civil unrest, and the tension with Iran. The potential recruits keep getting more and more reasons to join their movement and I fail to see how that makes us safer.
On an unrelated note, Rex Kramer had a boy! Stop by and wish him well if you haven't yet!!!