Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cheney and Hoekstra Chop Up IAEA Report On Iran

Is Ahmednejhad up to something? Glenn Beck thinks so, our at least he wants you to think so, because he wants you to join the 77% of Americans who think he is up to something. And of course, he is up to something, just not anything against the law. Not that Glenn Beck is violation of any rule of law either, since it is not against the law to deliberately distort the news. (It is interesting to note that this case was decided in favor of Fox News, who then took the ball and ran with it.) Of course, Glenn Beck is nothing close to be a journalist, he's more of a professional fear mongering propagandist for television watchers, those people who like their news chewed up and spit out in nice tidy sixty second sound bites because it's so much easier than reading.
One can't fault Mr. Beck, for even though he works for a news agency, he does nothing close to what a journalist would do. A journalist would have reported that the IAEA says US report on Iran is 'outrageous'. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency - the UN's nuclear watchdog sent a letter to Pete Hoekstra, claiming the report distorts the findings of the IAEA, which means after his distinguished career in Congress, Mr. Hoekstra can go work for Fox News.
The congressional report contained "an outrageous and dishonest suggestion" an inspector was removed for having not stuck to an alleged IAEA policy barring its "officials from telling the whole truth" about Iran, said the letter. Diplomats say the inspector, who was allegedly removed for stating that Iran intends on making nuclear weapons, is still the IAEA Iran section head.
Although the IAEA has found no hard evidence that Iran is working on atomic weapons, it has uncovered many activities linked to uranium enrichment, a process of purifying fuel for nuclear power plants or weapons. Building a nuclear power plant is not a violation of the NPT, which Iran has signed.
Nonetheless, Iran is considering suspending it's nuclear enrichment program to allow for formal negotiations with the EU. The US, however, has refused to join any negotiations, and is pressing for sanctions in the Security Council for it's failure to comply with the August 31 deadline set by the SC for suspension of it's enrichment activities. Sanctions that are sure to be blocked by Russia and China, which has deals with Iran, and Germany is having reservations as well. The EU is reluctant to pursue any actions that could lead to the use of force, as they still are feeling the sting of the last time they bought into the Bush regimes lies, last time concerning Iraq's WMD.
Iran has in the past mentioned security assurances in exchange for talks on it's nuclear program, something the Bush regime has steadfastly refused to agree to. Bombing Iran is part of the neocon agenda for reshaping the Middle East, and the US is under considerable increasing pressure to bomb Iran from neocon supporters.


Peacechick Mary said...

What is it with these people? They are bonkers. We really can't afford, morally, financially or militarily to do another war and definitely not anothe illegal one. One illegal war at a time, please.

Frederick said...

Ol' Glenn should never have been allowed on CNN.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is a loathesome tool, as is Charles Krauthammer, who is really rattling the sabers on Iran in his latest column. I just hope people aren't stupid enough to fall for their blather again.

Anonymous said...

Another Catch-22 for a country we don't like. This is playing out as remarkably similar to the sequence of events that led to invading Iraq. "Old tricks are the best tricks..."

Anonymous said...

They will bomb Iran and many Americans will support it, that is the part that makes me sick.

Snave said...

Scheise!! The Iran bombing link is frightening!

I have become disgusted with CNN. I still think they are slightly better than FOX "News", despite the Nancy Grace show and then adding Glenn Beck... ick.

As for Americans supporting the bombing of Iran, I'm not so sure there would be as much approval of it as there was with the invasion of Iraq... after all, we would still be in Iraq, and starting yet ANOTHER war, along with the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan, might make even the farthest right of the right-'tards cringe. At least we would hope so... If we bombed Iran, they would probably mount some kind of major counter-attack. Who knows what they would do? Send a few hundred thousand troops into Iraq? Or into Afghanistan? SCHEISE!!!

I agree with Mary... if we have to be in illegal wars, let's just do one at a time! Urrrgh...

Only 854 days left! That is still enough time for Bush to pull just about anything, but the encouraging thing is that the number continues to decrease, day by day.

pissed off patricia said...

This is sounding all too familiar. Same crap that was going on before we blew up Iraq. Wonder if bush would even bother going to congress before he leveled Iran?

When Glenn's show came on I gave him about 10 minutes of my time and quickly decided he should be on FOX.

azgoddess said...

what i've been reading:

seems like the sha's son has a bit to do with this...

Tina said...

Where was Hoekstra's lil "Iraq has WMDs-- and only we were able to find 'em" buddy Santorum on this crapola? I'm shocked to see that Ricky the Fetus Fondler didn't hop on this wingnut bandwagon and ride for it for all it is worth. Who knows... maybe Santorum was too busy with yet another Opus Dei meeting...

Graeme said...

Iran has the right to nuclear power. Simple as that. Israel, India and Pakistan don't. Fucking western hypocracy