Remember how as New Orleans was drowning Bush was at a fund raiser, struming a guitar?
Now, as the world heads towards WWIII, here we see Bush, looking soused. And what's that bottle in front of you Mr. President? Looks like a beer to me. And it looks like he's had more than one.
Once one admits to a substance abuse problem, they are admitting that the substance is more powerful than their will. They can never use the substance again, as it will lead them back down that road again.
This picture thereby gives creedence to the rumors that Bush has been drinking again.
Did you see the weird photo with the Pres of Hungary?
Well, mike, I visit you everyday, so yes, I did!
LOL! He does indeed look soused, and Putin looks a bit concerned that George might fall over. "Sit, George! Sit!"
did you hear him joke about eating pigs with the german chancellor? he brought it up like 10 fucking times
I am thinking that the nickname for Rumsfeld should be "Dumsfeld", and that "Rummy" should be reserved for Dumbya. The guy is simply a real corker... was, is, always will be. And an angry, nasty one at that.
I think he has such a strong what is called, an alcoholic personality, that he is the same, drinking or not.
I'm linking with this blog.
Neil, that Putin comment is priceless.
I wonder what kind of action KBG Guy had to take when Laura came in with the Valium? "Lay Laura, Lay!"
See y'all, my caption would be "Step away from the beer."
Snave, I like "Scumsfeld". On my answering machine it says, "If you are W, Dick Shamey or Donald Scumsfeld, please call back when I'm home. I have some things to say to you."
I have no expectations of Dub, the dud. He has driven us and the rest of the world down a deep, slimy slope to chaos. May he never return.
I'm not surprised.
What have you guys been smokin' tonight? You're all wicked funny! And I appreciate it too...because there isn't too much funny anymore with the war and the global warming and the Dub's slippery slide down the slope of inanity...oopsie...meant insanity.
Ah, Dubya! Hittin the bottle. Surprise.
What the hell was up with his hair while he was over there? He looked stupid-er than usual. How the hell could we tell if he was drinking? Even when he's not he acts like he is.
I'm surprised Bush's handlers didn't notice that bottle before they let the photographers in. He certainly does look pickled, eh? I guess Putin's snarky reply to Bush about not wanting the kind of democracy Iraq has sent Bush looking for a drink - or maybe it was the laughter and applause Putin's remark got from the audience!
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