Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cornered By Your Rhetoric And Your Zealotry

2012 GOP presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin are roundly criticizing the Obama administration over the embarrassing dump (as in shit) from Wikileaks. Palin says we should hunt Julian Assange with "the same urgency we pursue AlQaeda and Taliban leaders". Given that we can hardly identify Taliban leaders, and that the most visible people claiming to be Al Qaeda are still around (and, still Americans), one can hope that they'll put a little more effort in to their hunting.
Mike Huckabee, in an attempt to appear more butch than the Moose Killa of Wasilla has stated that "anything less than execution is too kind a penalty". Huckabee feels that leaking information that puts people at risk is treason, it's just kind of funny he wasn't this angry during the "Scooter" Libby trial.
So it's interesting to note that while both Huckabee as well as Palin both are pro-Zionists that they would take such a harsh view.
Former Carter administration national Security Adviser Zbiginiew Brzeznski states that "It's a question of whether Wikileaks are being manipulated by interested parties that want to complicate our relationships with other governments, or undermine some governments, because some of these items that are being emphasized or have surfaced are very pointed.
"And I wonder if, in fact, there aren't some operations internationally, intelligence services that are feeding information to Wikileaks because it is a unique opportunity to embarrass us, to embarrass our positions but also to undermine our relationships with other governments".

Hmmmm. Other intelligence services, I wonder who could he mean? Perhaps, Israel? Will the harsh rhetoric still stand then? I think not. Because what you get with these people are politicians whose belief system requires them to put America second. And we need leaders who'll put America first.


Tom Harper said...

"And we need leaders who'll put America first."

That's exactly what we need. Unfortunately, the proverbial needle in the haystack would be easier to find.

Lew Scannon said...

And by Americans, I mean American people, not American corporations.

Dave Dubya said...

Huckabee's authoritarian roots are showing. If Palin says Assange has "blood on his hands", my bet is he does not.

libhom said...

What Wikileaks is doing is absolutely wonderful. They have done more to fight global corruption and crime than any other organization in my lifetime.

Snave said...

Palin and Huckabee appear to be getting in on what will be a very tiresome pissing contest among GOP presidential hopefuls. Look for Gingrich and a few others to join in. Who can sound the nastiest? Who can sound the most vindictive? Yuck...

libhom said...

They can't make a substantive argument against Obama because they agree with him on the issues at least 95% of the time.