Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Twenty Four Hour All Anxiety News Cycle

The other day on the way home from work I was passed by a car sporting the old "I Don't Believe The Liberal Media" bumper sticker. I chuckled to myself at the cluelessness of this driver for believing that the corporate media is liberal or, with the exception of FOX NEWS, conservative. What we have is the All-Anxiety American Media, all anxiety, all the time, designed not to enlighten and inform, but rather to keep viewers in a constant state of anxiety, crying wolf, as it were, about things they are ultimately powerless to end.
A prime recent example of this is the "ground zero" mosque controversy, manufactured, for sure, but in the end neither opponents nor defenders have any real power to make a difference. The die has been cast and while people browbeat each other over religious freedom and security issues, I'm sure somewhere they have already forgotten all the other things they threw at you to keep you reaching for your Xanax.
As an example, we were warned of the imminent end of the world when Iran acquired nuclear power, yet they launched their first nuclear power plant, and everybody's okay, except for this guy.
Today I caught a glimpse of a story on the Internet Bin Laden, the next in a long line of Boogeymen that the Anxiety News Cycle has to shake at you once you realize that the real Osama Bin Laden is dead. Once you have nothing to fear, there is nothing to keep you tuned into the news to see how to protect your family and yourself, and every viewer lost is a loss of revenue for them. The meat on that dead horse must be really tender they way they've been flogging it. It's no wonder alleged 'patriots' across the country are protesting the building of new mosques, or that in a desperate move, the RNC sent a tweet saying Obama has confessed to being a Muslim. Fear sells, but what's really scare is the type of people who are buying it.


S.W. Anderson said...

It's in the nature of news to raise anxiety and accentuate the sensational. Most local news broadcasts follow the "if it bleeds, it leads" dictum, trying to capture as many eyeballs as possible.

Reporting that seems designed to make and keep us all scared and tuning in can have a public-safety function. If there's a serial killer or rapist working your part of town, it's good to be forewarned. Same goes for being told about food that can make you sick or kill your pets, medicine that doesn't work and cars that go haywire with no warning.

I think the real exploitation of anxiety comes from pols and political strategists trying to manipulate and capitalize on people fears, resentments, prejudices and suspicions. There's nothing healthy or helpful in it. IMO, it's evil.

To the extent the media knowingly go along with being conduits for that kind of exploitation, you might say they are evil's handmaidens.

Dr. Kiss Injure said...

Arnaud de Borchgrave is an interesting character who rears his ugly head now and again in parapolitical research circles. I first learned of him from listening to the broadcasts of assassination conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell. Mae, as your readers may know, continued Jim Garrison's work in exposing the post-war international fascist (an in many instances art and occult/freemasonic - recall fascism or proto-fascism began as an art movement in Italy) network that is hell-bent on subjugating humanity and destroying the natural world.,21,83.htm

Interesting to note in the above diagram how the Pentagon plan view is shaped to conform to Otto Skorzeny's ODESSA spider network. And of further interest is this plane view vis-à-vis a mechanists appropriation of the indigenous spider woman's web.


Doc Injure

Dr. Kiss Injure said...

international fascist network that is hell-bent on subjugating humanity and destroying the natural world.

Btw, forgot to mention: this is clearly stated in the manifestos of Italian Futurism and the writings of FT Marinetti, founder of Italian Futurism.

Further side notes: Mae Brussell utilised (perhaps unknowingly) radical post-structuralist connectivity in her parapoltical research. To the uninitiated this style may appear unprofessional, but pick up any radical text on critical theory and/or commodity fetishism (ie Baudrillard - who in turn was influence by William S Burroughs) and similar divinatory techniques are used.

Lew Scannon said...

Yellow journalism, thought to have died in the last century, has become the model for televised journalism these days. What sold newspapers then is now being used to keep eyeballs glued to the screen, to help drive up advertising rates.And while being warned about potential hazards is a good things, most media outlets overplay the threat, or repeat it .
Sometimes it would appear that the very thing that news channels are exploiting are simultaneously being exploited by politicians as well (i.e., the "Ground Zero" Mosque) as if coordinated by some sort of "conspiracy". You're right, it's evil.
Dr. Injure,
Huh? Are you responding to this post, or just way OT?

Dr. Kiss Injure said...

It should be quite obvious I'm responding to your post in a very substantive, root-level, radical way.

Notice I'm not afraid to use the word "radical" because I know what the entomology is.

Now, if you've ever read a basic text on fascism, you'd know that social engineering and choreographed spectacles are part and parcel of how fascism really works. Especially with fascists who practice virulent forms of freemasonry in the 21st century.

If you've ever read any texts or listened to any lectures by Peter Dale Scott or Michael Parenti you'd know that fascism is conspiratorial. The United States has 16 intelligence agencies that operate in secret. The corporate state has a "state secrets privilege" for a reason.

I'm sorry to upset your Dem vs. Rep false dichotomy - I'm sure you're gatekeeping for the sake of some financial reward you receive from one of the mainstream parties.

We don't want neoliberalism, we don't want corporate imperialism, we don't want privitisation of the genome or anything else. Now if this blog is going to be intentionally stuck on "stupid" forever, I'll post my comments elsewhere. Hopefully outside of US airspace where I can watch mentally constipated Americas slowly implode from a very very long distance..good riddance...

I hope your next encounter with a brainwashed illuminati mannikin sporting a right-wing bumper sticker is more pleasant. As William Burroughs said: stay away from idiot vampires. ;)


Doc Injure

Lew Scannon said...

Dr Injure,
I'm sure you're gatekeeping for the sake of some financial reward you receive from one of the mainstream parties-I wish!If there's one thing I've learned in these last five years is that the individual doesn't matter unless they have an extremely large bank account
PS-Entomology is the study of insects. I believe you mean etymology

S.W. Anderson said...

Lew, the good doctor (ahem) has dropped by Oh!pinion a couple of times, at least, to share the questionable benefit of his even more questionable wisdom. As here, he seems to feel no need to comment on topic, and when called on that turns nasty.

I sense an attempt at leg pulling by someone who enjoys being an annoyance.

S.W. Anderson said...

After some checking, I would take a pass on following the link Dr. I. left. It appears to be one he/she commonly leaves at blogs and forums. Sort of an all-purpose "go here" for whatever. Makes me leery of a phishing scam.

Dr. Kiss Injure said...

S.W. Anderson

Quite honestly I think you should have your US citizenship revoked. Your Führer, in his infinite wisdom, created a place for arrogant schizophrenic leeches like you: it's called the Jewish Nazi State of Israel.

Now, if you wish to discuss this further, I would gladly ask you to engage in real physical combat: mano-a-mano. Pick the time and place and I'll be there to correct you in the only way fascist morons like you understand.


Doc Injure