In case you missed it yesterday,
President Bush compared soldiers in Iraq to the US soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Actually, we're more like the British, and the insurgents, which are being tagged
"alqaeda" by the administration, even though there is no connection, they are the ones fighting off an occupation army intent on exploiting the
vast resources of the country for King George.
Of course going into Iraq
the US disputed a report that the US wanted long term access to bases in Iraq. Now, of course
it's a different story. Even
Hillary Clinton wants full time bases in Iraq (which is her way of sucking up to the corpocracy, and why she sucks). Which reminds me of an old joke. How do you know when George Bush is lying? When Dick Cheney's lips aren't moving.
Here is a quote that may fit in with your post:
At a campaign stop in Des Moines, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden had some tough words for the President, along with two GOP presidential candidates. "This guy is brain dead," Biden said of Bush, eliciting a chorus of laughter from his audience. Known for his slips of the tongue, Biden added, "I know I’ll be quoted, I’ll be killed for that.”
Speaking of Bush's decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby, Biden stated, “This is a guy who is on the balls of his heels, here’s a guy who is lower off in the polls than any president in modern history and he goes ahead and he does something that just flies in the face of the sensibilities of the American people.
We need to do a post called 100 Ways Bush Sucks or maybe make that 1000. Wait a minute, why not use the 9 Billion number - equal to the amount of money he let loose to float around in Iraq? Lews, you do a great job here.
Yes, and I hear he's changed his name to "George Bushington, the Fucker of His Country". Hi Lew. Neil here. Back from the dead. Some bastard in Thailand stole my blog URL, so my new one is Best to you and yours, Neil...
I almost blew water out of my nose when I heard the Asshat-in-Chief say that line about Iraq and the Revolutionary war.
Jesus, how dumb does he think we are for christs sake?
You know, I listened to that speech and I just started laughing. He seems to just say shit whether it's true or not. He's playing a part and he keeps repeating his lines and lies over and over. I don't even know if he hears himself speak. He's one fucked bastard, that's for sure.
The Onion made the same point about the Revolutionary War analogy. I suspect Bush doesn't see it the same way. Then again, he didn't understand the difference between Sunni and Shia until long after the Iraq occupation.
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