Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Forecast Calls For Massive Vote Fraud

Remember in 2004, when the exit polling didn't match up with the voter tallies in states like Ohio? And then, as it turns out, the exit polls were correct and the "official" tallies were wrong? So rather than ditch the electronic voting machines, which still are rigged to register votes for Democrats as votes for their Republican challengers, AP/Ipsos decided it will do away with exit polling instead.
What is being written off as technical glitches, are in fact early evidence that, once again, the GOP is going to steal another election. Who needs an October surprise when you've got Walden O'Dell and Diebold pledging to deliver their votes to you? So it's no wonder that AP/Ipsos has stopped exit polling for this important midterm election, corporate America has decided the best way to commit a crime is to make sure that this time, there aren't any witnesses. And if anybody asks too many questions, the whole thing can be blamed on Hugo Chavez, because everybody knows how much Chavez hates Bush and wants him to keep his power, right?
Luckily for them, November kicks off a sweeps month, which means most television-watchers will be too busy catching the newest episodes of their favorite show before they are released on DVD to take to the streets like they did in Mexico when the results in that election were suspect.
So when some self-proclaimed efender of American liberty freedom and democracy takes to the streets to tell people not to vote Democrat because your vote doesn't count, what he really ,means is your vote doesn't count for the Democrats.


Peacechick Mary said...

Strangers are talking to strangers out there and they are all saying the same thing - if the Rethugs win, something is terribly wrong. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Lew, haven't you learned by now that the poll industry and the vote-counters are one and the same? No less an authority than America's oldest hippie, Gore Vidal, brought this to everyone's attention (if you read books, that is, and what real American does)in Imperial America.

Google "News Election Services" and "Voter Research and Surveys" sometime, and learn why your vote hasn't counted since at least 1964.

sumo said...

Rex...I'll just take your word for it...I'm too tired...and I just might have to hurt someone...and then you'd just have to arrest me...the dirty long haired hippie freak that I am.

Graeme said...

people might take to the streets if they found out their American Idol vote didn't count

Frederick said...


Anonymous said...

How much longer are we going to put up with this shit??

If american idol votes were counted by Diebold, I bet there'd be massive protests.

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

This will be another electronic voting debacle, but I suspect you are right, they will blame this whole business on Hugo Chavez, and if you can blame the business on a "foreign enemy" I bet you can cancel the elections under some martial law bs.

pissed off patricia said...

When can we stop banging our heads against the brick wall? Now that bush can send in the Nat'l Guard whenever he likes, how long would a large public protest last? I keep waiting to hear they voted Rep and it registered Dem. Haven't heard of that happening. Has anyone else?

Kathy said...

There's likely to be mass demonstrations across the country if things go wrong and I don't think people will back down this time. We'll all have to stand strong and demand that heads roll - starting at the top with Bush.

Americans aren't fighting and dying overseas to let their democracy get stolen at home.

Frederick said...

Well Kathy, they've already thought of that:

That uneasy feeling in the back of your mind

Frank Partisan said...

American Idol is more democratic, than the election.

Tina said...

Thursday night on Keith Olbermann, a professor hacked into a Diebold voting machine in less than 30 seconds. Yet my asshat Ohio Republican Sec of State J Kenneth BlackHELL adopts the South Park cop attitude: "Move along people. Nothing to see here."

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously worried about this too. Has anyone seen the HBO documentary about electronic voting fraud, in which a candidate has a video of her vote being flipped? I'm not even sure it has aired yet (I don't have HBO), and I heard some groups were trying to stop HBO from airing the program.

Where is the frickin outrage? Maybe it's true -- people get the government they deserve. Maybe the majority of our countrymen deserve a banana republic. If massive vote fraud is perpetrated again without a peep from the general public, we'll know it's true.

kissfan said...

betty cracker - It aired last night. It was informative and scary all at the same time. It made Diebold look pretty bad. Everyone should see it.

azgoddess said...

yep yep yep...we will see if we have yet another america by diabold

Anonymous said...

Here it is, the day before Election Day and reports of voting problems are already coiming in.