Monday, March 06, 2006

Saving The Rubber Stamp Congress

US Ambassador to the UN Michael, er, I mean John Bolton speaking before a group of British MPs today said a military strike could halt Iran's nuclear program if all diplomatic efforts fail. Of course, by diplomatic efforts, Bolton means if the Security Council rejects the US call for economic sanctions against Iran, which it will surely do as both China and Russia (who is building the plant at Bushehr) are likely to veto the measure.
While the State Department and the CIA are skeptical about a military action, the White House, big surprise, has already made plans. Even the UK has ruled out a military option, but our retard in chief is a war retard, every thing he does, he does with war in his retarded little brain. Perhaps Bush is angry because, unlike his deal with India which benefits US Corporations seeking to reap billions in profits from selling India nuclear technology, the Iranians deal is with Russia, to the benefit of no US Corporation. Or maybe Bush is trying to stop Iran from opening it's oil bourse, trading in petroeuros instead of petrodollars.
Meanwhile IAEA chief Mohammed el-Baradei said a deal with Iran is still feasible, one that would allow them small scale enrichment. Germany, which could live with the pilot program being suggested, has made it clear that it will stand with it's partners in the EU on the issue.
Bush, however needs to keep the brain damaged beer swilling chemically imbalanced flag wavers paranoid. And so we see the process that led up to his illegal invasion of Iraq being played out again, note for note. Intelligence sources said in November of 2005 that Iran is at least ten years away from a nuclear weapon. So why the big scare? Oh yeah, this is an election year, and if, perchance, the people vote out Republicans in large numbers, Bush's rubberstamp Congress will be gone. War works real good for Bush, he gets plenty of photo ops holding up plastic turkeys and landing on aircraft carriers, and generally giving the people the impression he actually is concerned with their safety. Which he needs after the video showing him being warned beforehand about the potential devastation in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina proved otherwise.
And like Iraq, Bush has no plans beyond striking key Iranian positions, dragging the US into another long and drawn out quagmire to the benefit of no one except Halliburton stockholders.


Kathleen Callon said...

When I read about Bolton and Iran, I clicked over, and I was right... figured you'd do a post about it... I wish we had a hawks taking Bush to trial after trial after trial after trial for all of his past transgressions so he'd be so busy defending his policies he wouldn't have time to make anything worse.

Lew Scannon said...

2006-use absentee ballots-create a paper trail!

Granny said...

We always vote absentee but what if they are lost?

Thanks for comment re Supreme Court and recruiters.

Yukkione said...

Real diplomacy is not in the best interest of the Bush Cultists and NeoCons. Fighting makes it easy for them to do alot of dirty work under cover of fog of war. Kind of like issues like gay marrage here at home.

Peacechick Mary said...

I just don't understand how Bush can go flinging nukes making stuff out to this nation and that and then come down hard on Iran. Of course, I don't understand anything the Bu$hco bunch does - it's so surreal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lew for posting on this. I'm sorry I'm not commenting much lately- Its been a rough week in blog world, I am so tired of the high school like behavior.
I'm tired of it, it seems like energy that could SO be spent on more important things. The world is full of problems and in my opinion there are some people that seriously need to get over themselves. What a waste of time.

Keep at it.

Tedj said...

Lew, Did you wanna do the conservative Amnesty? Check out what some of us have done and see if you're up for it

Lew Scannon said...

Awwww, now I gotta bookmark another blog! But sure, I have notified the Walrus (I thought the walrus was Paul)now what do I do?

Neil Shakespeare said...

That about sums it up!