Saturday, December 19, 2009

War Propaganda Never Sleeps, Not Even For The War On Christmas

Did Iran seize and Iraqi oil well or didn't they? When the Iranian Cyber Army takes down Twitter, preventing millions of Americans from following the mundane activities of the people on their lists, who really benefits?


Tom Harper said...

Well at least that vital "defense" spending bill got passed. Mission Accomplished.

libhom said...

I don't believe anything we are being told about Iran.

Lew Scannon said...

Yes, we have no money for health care reform, but we got billions to piss away in the Middle east Quagmires.
you're right, it's Iraq all over again
that's the most cogent point I've read all day.

Kvatch said...

...preventing millions of Americans from following the mundane activities of the people on their lists, who really benefits?

Uh...everyone! ;-)

Kvatch said...

Hey Lew...where ya been?

Oh well...Feliz Año Nuevo de Ecuador!

Lew Scannon said...

My computer is in the shop, so hoping to get it back to-morrow!