Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Bitter Race For Third Place

Is the irony of John "Flapjack" McCain calling out Mitt Romney for his politically convenient position on abortion lost on anyone? Here we have the man who criticized evangelicals in politics now pandering to them. So now we have a real campaign, with two less-than-saintly people trying to outdoor each other in a holier-than-thou competition. Is third front runner status so important that these people have to start throwing each other under the bus?
I guess McCain has to make up for all the support he lost when he backed Bush's wacky immigration scheme, which was not too popular with the love-thy-neighbor-as-long-as-he's-white-speaks-english-and-votes-Republican crowd. And since Ghouliani has carved out a niche with his incessant invocation of 9/11 (which seems to be working, oddly enough), and Fred Thompson cannonballed into the pool of Republican contenders, knocking McCain back even farther than McCain was able to do on his own, McCain had to do something to save his, well "credibility" isn't the right word because he doesn't have any of that left, but something akin to it. So Johnny-Boy decided the best thing to do is to appeal to the Christiansane right. Next I expect he'll be equating Mormons with Satanism, which isn't too far off the mark, as far as the Bible thumping brigade is concerned. Let's hope the campaign gets more interesting from here.


sumo said...

And so it goes...

Undeniable Liberal said...

I have plenty of beer and popcaorn on hand. It should be quite a comedy.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Popcorn too!