Thursday, May 17, 2007

Michigan GOP To Deny Reality

Michigan's state GOP chairman wants to bar Ron Paul from any future debates because he had the temerity to suggest that the reasons that the 9/11 commission as well as the CIA gave for the attacks on September 11 were the real reasons, and not the spurious "They hate us because we're free" mantra chanted by kool-aid chugging flagwaving half wits like Rudy Giuliani.
Perhaps Saul Anuzis is worried that after Blinky pounced on Paul's accurate description of the causes of terrorism, Paul's numbers went up and he wound up beating Rudolf by six points in the Fox News text message poll following the debate.
Paul dared to deviate from the accepted Republican reality that allows endless wars to enrich defense, I mean war contractors (because, really, they aren't defending anything but their own wealth), at the expense of the America taxpayer and the inevitable collateral damage that conveniently happens to be a different religion than the money worshipping members of the GOP. Just because our lopsided foreign policy is stacked against the majority of Muslims in the Middle East is no reason for them to attack us, is it? Paul even suggested we had been bombing Iraq every week for ten years, which, according to Mr. Anuzis, is "off the wall and out of whack", even if it happens to be true.


Peacechick Mary said...

Paul scare the hell out of them and cheers me up no end. One thing I do disagree with you on is: I don't think Rudy has even a half wit, it's only a nit.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Land of the free, my skinny pale ass.

sumo said...

Heh...Blinky...that was good!

Lizzy said...

Ron Paul. One of the very few Repubs I have respect for.

PoliShifter said...

I heard about this on the radio, that rethugs were trying to censor Ron Paul.

What a severe miscalculation. They should be embracing him. He was the only one on that stage who had any sort of grasp on reality.

Snave said...

I believe the GOP party elite hates Ron Paul because he represents a threat to their power structure. Republican voters want change too, and this means getting rid of the GOP party elite and their power structure. If any Republican candidate says things that make the other candidates look like the transparent tools they are, then the party elite will have to get in gear and SUPPRESS the dissenter. Anuzis must think he is in control of a whole lot in order to propose exercising that kind of power of censorship...

This is what the RNC wants, to suppress dissenters. They want a nation of unquestioning, obedient Americans. They are into the Bush/Cheney line of thinking. Republican voters need to take their party back from these turd heads, plain and simple.

In the meantime, I don't mind watching the Republican voters get duped. The more the GOP party elite dupes their voters, the more angry and dissatisfied those voters will become. As those in power in the GOP begin to get more desperate and as they lose more control of their voters, their tactics will become more obvious, and their voters will get pissed, en masse.

I think that by trying to put the damper on dissenting voices such as Paul, who offers a different approach (which is what GOP voters want), those leaders hasten the disintegration of the Republcan party.

So, let the GOP strongmen try and suppress Paul! I welcome it. If they try, he will probably just get pissed off and run as a third party candidate, which would undoubtedly siphon off a nice chunk of the Republican vote.

IF Paul did somehow get the GOP nomination (it would never happen, so I stress "if"), I don't think I would enjoy seeing him in the White House. I find him to be politically fascinating, but that is not enough to get me to vote for him. I think a lot of people would vote for Paul as a sort of protest vote, because Paul doesn't represent the political status quo. He would probably get us out of Iraq, at least...